August Kekule, 1829-1896
Discovered the structure of benzene in a dream.
Clouds of electrons share double bonds with p-orbitals up and down.
The abbreviation for the benzene ring is hexagon with a circle inside
which represents the shared double bonds.
Discovered in the 1990’s. Graphene is basically a single layer of graphite, a hexagonal array of carbon atoms extending over two dimensions endlessly. It’s the stuff that carbon nanotubes are made of and it’s the stuff that graphite is made of. Graphite is many layers of this same material stacked on top of each other.
Watch it, it's a bomb!
Fractional Distillation separates the hydrocarbons, and Catalytic Cracking
produces high octane gasoline.
Naming alcohols. The usual method giving the number of the carbon that
the -OH is on and it ends in ol.
Naming phenols. The usual method giving the number of the benzene carbon
that the -OH is on and it ends in phenol.
Organic Esters
Esters are flavoring compounds.
More Organic in Real Life
Here Endeth Organic Part 2