Diatomic Elements


The Rules:

If any of these elements are FREE, that is ALL ALONE, then they are written with the subscripted 2 .

Example 1: 2H2 + O2 ---> 2H2O . The hydrogen and oxygen are FREE and get the subscripted two's. The water is a compound and its elements are NOT FREE. The 2 after the hydrogen is because of formula valence rules.

Example 2: 3H2 + N2 ---> 2NH3 . The hydrogen and nitrogen are FREE and get the subscripted two's. Ammonia is a compound and its elements are NOT FREE. No subscripted two's!

Example 3: NH4Cl (s) -----> NH4+1 (aq) + Cl-1 (aq)

The chloride is an aqueous ION and it is NOT FREE! [it has water molecules attached it (aq)]. NO subscripted two!

Example 4: HBr(g) ----> H+1(aq) + Br-1(aq). The hydrogen and bromine in the gas are NOT FREE and DO NOT get subscripted two's. The hydrogen aqueous ion and the bromide aqueous ion are NOT FREE. NO two's.

Good Luck!!!